Why do people find it so hard to stop vaping or smoking cigarettes?

Published on 15 April 2024 at 07:00

You're finding it hard to stop vaping or smoking cigarettes for several reasons, many of which are rooted in the psychological aspects of nicotine addiction:


  1. Nicotine addiction: Nicotine is a highly addictive substance found in cigarettes and vapes. When people smoke, nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain, which creates feelings of pleasure and reward, but it's very short-lived; so it's also a chemical of motivation, rather than contentment. Over time, the subconscious mind becomes convinced that nicotine is providing some benefits, so it locks in the habit that leads to addiction. Withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and cravings make it challenging to quit, and these are caused by the subconscious mind trying to get you to complete the pattern of behaviour that it has locked in to realise the benefit of pleasure or reward of a dopamine hit.

  2. Habitual behaviour: Smoking often becomes deeply ingrained in your daily routine and habits. You may associate smoking with specific activities, friends and family, situations, or emotions, making it challenging to break the habit.

  3. Social and environmental factors: Smoking and vaping is often a social activity, and you may have friends, family members, or colleagues who smoke. Being around smokers or in environments where smoking is common can trigger cravings and make quitting more difficult.

  4. Coping mechanism: Some people use cigarettes or vapes as a way to cope with stress, anxiety, or other emotional issues. One thing that most smokers do when they are smoking or vaping - is breathe deeply and slowly. You may rely on smoking as a way to self-soothe, making it harder to quit without finding alternative coping strategies.

  5. Fear of weight gain: You may be concerned about gaining weight when you quit smoking because nicotine can suppress appetite and increase metabolism. The fear of weight gain can be a significant barrier to quitting. Using conscious willpower alone (or going “cold turkey”) can often lead to weight gain, because the next easiest way to respond to the subconscious impulse for instant gratification is to put some food in your mouth (often convenience foods, which are high-calorie).

  6. Lack of support: Stopping smoking is often more successful when you have a support system in place, such as friends, family, or me as a trained professional. Without support, you may feel isolated and struggle to stay motivated.

  7. Misconceptions about quitting: You may believe that quitting smoking is an all-or-nothing process and fear that you will never be able to enjoy life without cigarettes, especially if you feel the need to avoid people and situations where there will be smoking accessible. These misconceptions can be discouraging and hinder your quit attempts.

  8. Fear of failure: Previous failed attempts to quit smoking can lead to a sense of hopelessness and a fear of trying again. This fear of failure can be demotivating or even depressing. I can work with you on anxiety and depression in the same session.

  9. Immediate vs. long-term rewards: Smoking provides immediate gratification, such as stress relief or a temporary mood boost. The long-term health benefits of quitting may not be as immediately apparent, making it challenging to prioritise long-term health over short-term satisfaction.

  10. Maybe you just haven't tried the right methods: While there are various smoking cessation methods available, not all of them work equally well for everyone. Finding the right method or combination of methods that work for you can be a trial-and-error process.


It's important to recognise that quitting smoking is a challenging process, and relapses are common. However, with my proven methods and strategies, I have personally helped over 800 people successfully stop smoking for life.


Are you ready to join them?


Are you ready to improve your health and quality of life?

If you're trying to quit smoking, stop fighting and disappointing yourself, and ask me about the guidance and support which will help you Stop Smoking – for Life.

How can Switch-Up Hypnotherapy help you

Stop Smoking - and Vaping - for Life?


Are you tired of feeling controlled by cigarettes or vaping devices?

Do you long to break free from the grip of nicotine addiction and reclaim your health and freedom?

Switch-Up Hypnotherapy offers a unique solution that goes beyond traditional methods to help you stop smoking and vaping for life. This is all designed to empower you to take the first step towards a smoke-free future.

Understanding the Addiction:


Smoking and vaping addiction is a complex interplay of physiological, psychological, and behavioural factors. Nicotine, the primary addictive substance in tobacco and e-cigarettes, hijacks the brain's reward system, leading to cravings and dependency. Quitting can be incredibly challenging, but with the right approach, it's entirely possible to break free from the cycle of addiction.

The Power of Hypnotherapy:


Switch-Up Hypnotherapy offers a proven alternative to traditional smoking cessation methods through the power of hypnotherapy. Unlike patches, gums, or sheer willpower, hypnosis targets the subconscious mind—the root of addictive behaviours.

After an extensive interview, I guide you into a state of deep relaxation where you are more receptive to positive suggestions and behavioural changes. By “rewiring” the subconscious associations with smoking or vaping, hypnotherapy helps break the habit / addiction cycle and paves the way for a smoke-free life.


Don't just take my word for it—read the stories of those whose lives we've transformed:


I was a smoker for over 30 years. My family nagged me about giving up. I finally made that decision. I had tried patches, cold turkey, cutting back but nothing worked until I met Luke.
I can honestly say I’m now a non smoker and I know I will NEVER smoke another cigarette. If you really want to stop smoking and kick the disgusting habit, save a lot of money on what you now pay for a packet of smokes I can’t recommend Luke enough.
My health has improved, I no longer have that hacking smokers cough. I rarely think about smoking but if I do I find it easy to get past the craving.
Do yourself a favour, call Luke and live a normal non smokers life, it’s great!


Saturday August 22nd 2020( 4 weeks ago) I went and saw Luke, it is the best thing I've ever done, I walked in as a smoker and came out a non-smoker. The whole way home in the car I kept telling myself it didn't work, as I was still thinking of cigarettes, the difference was I wasn't Craving one. Not once have I craved one, on the Tuesday, 3 days after seeing Luke a girlfriend and her son came around, both of them are smokers and I didn't have a problem that they smoked. I still didn't feel any craving, all I thought was the smell of the cigarettes was awful. Thank you Luke for changing my life, I cant believe how easy it has been, I just wish I had done it years ago. If anyone is sitting out there and thinking about quitting smoking, and have tried many times before without success, call Luke, you will not regret it. Thank you again Luke, 40+ years of smoking ended 22/8/2020, have not felt any cravings since before I walked in to your office.


These testimonials are but a glimpse into the countless success stories that attest to the effectiveness of my approach.

Benefits of Stopping Smoking - and Vaping - for Life

  1. Improved Health: The benefits of quitting smoking and vaping extend far beyond just the lungs. Within hours of quitting, your body begins to repair itself, reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other smoking-related illnesses.


  2. Increased Energy: Say goodbye to the fatigue and shortness of breath that often accompany smoking and vaping. Experience a newfound sense of vitality and stamina as your body detoxifies from nicotine.


  3. Better Finances: Smoking and vaping can take a significant toll on your finances. By quitting, you'll not only save money on cigarettes or vape products but also avoid future healthcare costs associated with smoking-related diseases.


  4. Enhanced Well-Being: Break free from the cycle of addiction and experience improved mental and emotional well-being. Say goodbye to the guilt, shame, and anxiety that often accompany smoking and vaping.


Why Choose Switch-Up Hypnotherapy?


  1. Tailored Approach: I understand that you, just like every individual, are unique. That's why why we tailor our hypnotherapy sessions to address your specific needs and triggers.


  2. Holistic Support: My commitment to your success doesn't end after the sessions. I provide ongoing support, resources, and guidance to help you navigate the challenges of stopping smoking and vaping.


  3. Proven Success: With years of experience and a cracking success rate, Switch-Up Hypnotherapy has earned a reputation for excellence in helping you quit smoking and vaping for life.


Take the First Step:

Are you ready to break free from the chains of smoking and vaping?

Click the link below to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, smoke-free life:

Schedule Your Consultation Now

Don't let smoking and vaping control your life any longer.

With Switch-Up Hypnotherapy, you have the power to reclaim your health, happiness, and freedom.


So, how does hypnosis help me to stop smoking and vaping?


Hypnosis is a powerful tool in helping you stop smoking cigarettes and vaping. It helps you to access the subconscious mind to re-frame thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours associated with smoking.

Switch-Up Hypnotherapy works by utilising relaxation techniques and suggestions to influence the subconscious mind, where habits and behaviours are deeply ingrained. Here's how hypnosis can assist you in your journey to stop smoking and vaping:


  1. Motivation and commitment: Hypnosis helps strengthen your willpower and motivation to stop smoking and vaping for life. By accessing your subconscious mind, it reinforces your commitment to stopping, boosts your confidence, and increases your determination to overcome the fear of withdrawal symptoms. Hypnosis can enhance your motivation to stop smoking for life by tapping into your desires for a healthier lifestyle. It helps reinforce your commitment to stopping and strengthens your determination to overcome cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

  2. Identifying triggers and breaking the habit loop: I help you identify the specific triggers that lead you to smoke and/or vape; such as stress, boredom, or social situations. By understanding these triggers, you can develop strategies to manage them effectively and find alternative behaviours to smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping becomes an ingrained habit linked to certain triggers or situations. Switch-Up Hypnotherapy helps identify these triggers and interrupts the habitual cycle. By suggesting new patterns of behaviour and coping mechanisms, hypnotherapy breaks the association between smoking and vaping and specific situations.

  3. Changing beliefs and associations: Hypnosis can help challenge and modify the underlying beliefs and associations you have with smoking and vaping. It aims to re-frame your perception of smoking and vaping from something desirable to something negative or unappealing. This process helps weaken your subconscious attachment to cigarettes. Hypnotherapy helps you develop a more positive mindset towards stopping smoking and vaping. It addresses any negative beliefs or doubts you have about quitting and replaces them with positive affirmations and motivations to stop smoking and vaping for life.

  4. Managing cravings: Hypnosis equips you with techniques to eliminate cravings. Through relaxation exercises and visualisation, you can learn to replace the urge to smoke with healthier behaviours or thoughts. This helps break the cycle of automatic response to cravings. Switch-Up Hypnotherapy reduces the intensity of cravings and your desire to smoke and vape. Through relaxation techniques and guided imagery, I help you visualise and reinforce the feeling of being smoke-free, making it much easier to resist cravings.

  5. Stress and anxiety reduction: Maybe you smoke as a way to cope with stress or anxiety. Hypnosis can teach you alternative relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or self-hypnosis, to manage stress effectively without relying on smoking or vaping. Smoking and vaping is often used as a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. Switch-Up Hypnotherapy starts with looking at the root cause od your anxiety, provides alternative relaxation techniques and stress-management strategies to help you deal with these emotions without resorting to smoking and/or vaping.

  6. Building self-control and confidence: Hypnosis sessions include suggestions to strengthen your willpower and self-control. By reinforcing positive affirmations and visualisations, you can boost your confidence in your ability to stop smoking for life and remain vape-free.


It's important to note that while hypnosis has been beneficial for many people, results may vary. It's great that you have found a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist who specialises in smoking and vaping cessation to maximise the potential benefits. 

On the other hand, methods such as nicotine replacement therapy, medications, and devices only target the physical addiction to nicotine in an attempt to help smokers manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Ultimately, the choice of quitting method depends on your preferences, beliefs, and responses to different approaches. Feel free to discuss your unique situation and determine the most suitable approach for quitting smoking based on your personal needs.


Luke O'Dwyer

+61 407 88 45 43


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