Why does hypnotherapy work better than other methods to quit smoking and vaping; e.g. nicotine replacement therapy, patches, medications, and cold turkey?

Published on 18 March 2024 at 07:00

While many methods claim to help you quit, hypnotherapy stands out as a unique and effective approach. In this post, you'll see why hypnotherapy is the key to success in bidding farewell to smoking and vaping for good.


Hypnotherapy is one of many approaches to quitting smoking, and its effectiveness can vary from person to person. However, it's important to note hypnotherapy's superiority over other methods such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), patches, medications, vaping or quitting cold turkey. A 2007 study by the American College of Chest Physicians found that "smoking patients who participated in one hypnotherapy session were more likely to be nonsmokers at 6 months compared with patients using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) alone or patients who quit "cold turkey"."


 Other methods like nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), patches, medications, and cold turkey have also shown varying degrees of success for different individuals.

  • NRT provides a controlled and reduced dose of nicotine, helping to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
  • Medications like varenicline (Champix) and bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) can assist by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. NPS MedicineWise advises common side effects include nausea, insomnia, abnormal dreams, headaches and constipation. There is also a risk of serious adverse psychiatric effects and a small increased risk of cardiovascular (heart) events, with at least one death in Australia linked to the varenicline .
  • Cold turkey, or quitting abruptly without aids, is a method some people find effective, but it can be challenging due to withdrawal symptoms.


The effectiveness of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation may be attributed to several factors:


  1. Individual Differences: People respond differently to various quitting methods. Hypnotherapy is the method that is easiest to tailor to your needs, preferences, and situation. What works for one person may not work as effectively for another. This variability makes it challenging to declare one method universally superior, but hypnotherapy is the method with the greatest potential to be customised.

  2. Personalised Approach: Hypnotherapy sessions are tailored to your specific needs and triggers, providing a personalised approach that focuses on the benefits that are most important to you.

  3.  Psychological Factors: Smoking is often linked to psychological habits, stress, and behavioural patterns. Hypnotherapy better addresses the psychological aspects of smoking by influencing your thought patterns and behaviours.

  4. Psychological Benefits: Beyond smoking cessation, most clients report additional benefits from hypnotherapy, such as reduced stress, improved relaxation, and increased motivation. Addressing these factors supports the process of stopping smoking and vaping and enhances overall well-being.

  5. Placebo Effect: The power of belief and suggestion can influence outcomes. If you strongly believe in the efficacy of hypnotherapy and my skill as a practitioner, the placebo effect may contribute to your success. This does not mean it is fake, by any means; it recognises the power of your mind and positive thinking to break this useless addiction.

  6. Fewer Reported Side Effects: While pharmaceutical options like Champix and Zyban may come with a list of potential side effects, hypnotherapy is generally considered safe with minimal reported adverse effects. Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive, natural method that doesn't involve medications. For individuals concerned about the potential side effects of pharmaceutical drugs like Champix or Zyban, hypnotherapy can be an attractive option as it doesn't introduce any foreign substances into the body.


Hypnotherapy is based on the idea of accessing the subconscious mind to modify behaviours or beliefs. You may find it helpful in addressing the psychological aspects of smoking or vaping, such as breaking habits, managing stress, or changing the perception of your habit.


1. Tackling the Root Cause: Hypnotherapy goes beyond addressing the surface-level addiction; it delves into the subconscious mind to uncover and address the root causes of smoking or vaping. By exploring the underlying triggers and reprogramming your mindset, hypnotherapy equips you with the tools needed for lasting change.


2. Rewiring Habits and Behaviours: Smoking and vaping often become deeply ingrained habits, intertwined with various aspects of daily life. Hypnotherapy excels at breaking these patterns by rewiring your behaviours on a subconscious level. It helps create new, healthier habits, making it easier to navigate situations that used to trigger the urge to smoke or vape.


3. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: One of the leading causes of smoking relapses is stress. Hypnotherapy focuses on relaxation techniques and stress management, providing you with alternative coping mechanisms. By training your mind to respond differently to stressors, hypnotherapy helps reduce the need for smoking or vaping as a stress-relief mechanism.


4. Customised Approach for Individual Success: Every individual's journey to quit smoking or vaping is unique. Hypnotherapy offers a personalised approach, tailoring sessions to address your specific triggers, motivations, and challenges. This personalised touch enhances the effectiveness of the therapy, ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with your goals.


5. Overcoming Psychological Barriers: Smoking and vaping often become intertwined with deep-seated psychological barriers. Hypnotherapy taps into the power of suggestion and positive reinforcement to break down these barriers. By fostering a positive mindset and boosting self-confidence, hypnotherapy empowers you to overcome the mental hurdles that may hinder other quitting methods.


Embarking on the journey to quit smoking and vaping is a transformative experience, and hypnotherapy offers a unique and effective route. Our flagship product, "Stop Smoking and Vaping – for Life," is designed with your success in mind. Break free from the shackles of addiction, rediscover your well-being, and embrace a smoke-free life with the power of hypnotherapy.


References: https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/can-vaping-help-you-quit-smoking/100137724 


What are the least effective methods to quit smoking?


  1. Cold Turkey (Abruptly quitting without assistance):

    • Effectiveness: Cold turkey is often considered one of the least effective methods for quitting smoking. Research suggests that only about 3-5% of individuals who attempt to quit smoking using this method are successful in the long term.

    • Reasons: Quitting abruptly without any support or structured plan can be overwhelming and may lead to intense withdrawal symptoms, making it difficult to stay smoke-free. It requires a significant amount of willpower and may result in high relapse rates.

  2. Gradual Reduction (Cutting down slowly):

    • Effectiveness: Gradual reduction has shown limited effectiveness, with only about 10-15% of individuals successfully quitting smoking using this method.

    • Reasons: Gradual reduction may not provide a strong enough break from nicotine addiction, and it prolongs the quitting process. It can also be challenging to stick to a gradual reduction plan, and it might not address the psychological and behavioural aspects of smoking addiction effectively.

  3. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) without Behavioural Support:

    • Effectiveness: While NRT can be helpful, using it without additional behavioural support has shown limited success in quitting smoking. Success rates vary but are generally lower compared to using NRT with behavioural counselling.

    • Reasons: NRT helps manage withdrawal symptoms by providing a controlled dose of nicotine, but without behavioural support, individuals may struggle to address the psychological and habitual aspects of smoking, which are critical for long-term success.

  4. Self-Help Materials without Support:

    • Effectiveness: Using self-help materials (books, websites, apps) without any additional support or guidance has shown relatively low success rates, typically less than 5-10%.

    • Reasons: Stopping smoking and vaping - for life requires more than just information; it requires ongoing support, coping strategies, and accountability. Self-help materials alone may not provide sufficient motivation or strategies to overcome the addiction successfully.


So, how does hypnosis help me to stop smoking and vaping?


Hypnosis is a powerful tool in helping you stop smoking cigarettes and vaping. It helps you to access the subconscious mind to re-frame thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours associated with smoking.


Switch-Up Hypnotherapy works by utilising relaxation techniques and suggestions to influence the subconscious mind, where habits and behaviours are deeply ingrained. Here's how hypnosis can assist you in your journey to stop smoking and vaping:


  1. Motivation and commitment: Hypnosis helps strengthen your willpower and motivation to stop smoking and vaping for life. By accessing your subconscious mind, it reinforces your commitment to stopping, boosts your confidence, and increases your determination to overcome the fear of withdrawal symptoms. Hypnosis can enhance your motivation to stop smoking for life by tapping into your desires for a healthier lifestyle. It helps reinforce your commitment to stopping and strengthens your determination to overcome cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

  2. Identifying triggers and breaking the habit loop: I help you identify the specific triggers that lead you to smoke and/or vape; such as stress, boredom, or social situations. By understanding these triggers, you can develop strategies to manage them effectively and find alternative behaviours to smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping becomes an ingrained habit linked to certain triggers or situations. Switch-Up Hypnotherapy helps identify these triggers and interrupts the habitual cycle. By suggesting new patterns of behaviour and coping mechanisms, hypnotherapy breaks the association between smoking and vaping and specific situations.

  3. Changing beliefs and associations: Hypnosis can help challenge and modify the underlying beliefs and associations you have with smoking and vaping. It aims to re-frame your perception of smoking and vaping from something desirable to something negative or unappealing. This process helps weaken your subconscious attachment to cigarettes. Hypnotherapy helps you develop a more positive mindset towards stopping smoking and vaping. It addresses any negative beliefs or doubts you have about quitting and replaces them with positive affirmations and motivations to stop smoking and vaping for life.

  4. Managing cravings: Hypnosis equips you with techniques to eliminate cravings. Through relaxation exercises and visualisation, you can learn to replace the urge to smoke with healthier behaviours or thoughts. This helps break the cycle of automatic response to cravings. Switch-Up Hypnotherapy reduces the intensity of cravings and your desire to smoke and vape. Through relaxation techniques and guided imagery, I help you visualise and reinforce the feeling of being smoke-free, making it much easier to resist cravings.

  5. Stress and anxiety reduction: Maybe you smoke as a way to cope with stress or anxiety. Hypnosis can teach you alternative relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or self-hypnosis, to manage stress effectively without relying on smoking or vaping. Smoking and vaping is often used as a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. Switch-Up Hypnotherapy starts with looking at the root cause of your anxiety, provides alternative relaxation techniques and stress-management strategies to help you deal with these emotions without resorting to smoking and/or vaping.

  6. Building self-control and confidence: Hypnosis sessions include suggestions to strengthen your willpower and self-control. By reinforcing positive affirmations and visualisations, you can boost your confidence in your ability to stop smoking for life and remain vape-free.


It's great that you have found a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist who specialises in smoking and vaping cessation to maximise the potential benefits.  It's important to note that while hypnosis has been beneficial for many people, results may vary.

On the other hand, methods such as nicotine replacement therapy, medications, and devices only target the physical addiction to nicotine in an attempt to help smokers manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. NRT and pharmaceuticals often have unforeseen negative side-effects.

Ultimately, the choice of quitting method depends on your preferences, beliefs, and responses to different approaches. Feel free to discuss your unique situation with me, to determine the most suitable approach for quitting smoking based on your personal needs.


 Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, smoke-free future?

Contact our hypnotherapy clinic today and discover how "Stop Smoking and Vaping – for Life" can be your personalised key to success. Your journey to a life without smoking and vaping begins here – reclaim your freedom now!

Luke O'Dwyer

+61 407 88 45 43


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