Stop Smoking - for Life Recording


Think of the money you could be saving by stopping smoking for life...

A pack of 25 RRP is approximately $48.50, so depending on whether you smoke half a pack, one pack or even two packs a day, you could be making serious savings weekly.

So, if you smoke 10 a day – that’s a saving of approximately $135 per week on cigarettes;

And $7,061 per year. 

If you smoke 30 a day, you’ll save approximately $400pw and $21,185pa. 


Nothing will improve your life more than stopping smoking, and I can make that easy for you.


Time to set aside:

60 minutes where you are comfortable and will not be disturbed.

Most people stop smoking for life after just one session. One of the advantages of this recording is that you can listen to it over and over.

But some people do need a backup session, and most of those who do, need a backup session quite soon after the initial session.

What that suggests to me is...

...perhaps there is something still in your subconscious that believes you're getting some sort of benefit from smoking; and maybe it wasn't covered in the recording, because maybe it's something that's unique to you, or maybe you're not aware of what it is, or maybe it's something you've forgotten about, because maybe it entered your subconscious a long time ago and it's no longer relevant in your life.

The way the backup session works is:
I get you to communicate with your own subconscious so that it can reveal the final thing that it's holding onto; and when you become aware of that, then you get control over it - but, it's very hard to get control over something you don't understand or you are not even aware of, or you've forgotten about completely. The backup session helps you identify the very root of the problem. Guaranteed that smoking is not helping you with that problem. You will see that and let it go instantly.


I will use your words to break the connections in your subconscious, so it doesn't feel like a stranger telling you what to do - we will agree on what you want me to tell your mind so that the cravings disappear.


The main thing is - you need to be ready to stop.


Tips to ensure success:


  • Start mentally preparing yourself to stop smoking - if you tell yourself that this will work for you, then it will work.


  • Plan to run out of cigarettes before you listen to the recording, so that you have the least amount of temptation.


  • If there's a place at home where you normally smoke a lot, rearrange the furniture in that area, or better still - give it a makeover - just before you listen to the recording. This will provide a strong visual cue to your subconscious mind that "something has changed"; it's up to you to maintain that change in your habits.


  • Think of all the triggers and motivations you have for smoking, and let me know those in the interview before your session - that will allow me to break all those connections in your subconscious once and for all.


  • Take out a piece of paper when you get a quiet moment and draw 3 columns.

1. Reasons why I want to stop smoking.

2. Benefits expected.

3. Negative consequences of not changing.

Spend a while expanding on each item,

eg. Money - how much per year, and what would you rather do with that money?

Health - what has it done to your health in the past, and what are the worst case scenarios for your health in the future, and what impact would that have on your family and loved ones?


  • Understand that your subconscious may believe that it is protecting you in some way by reminding you to smoke. I know this might not make sense to your conscious mind, but a pattern you created long ago could be "locked in". While I have made every attempt to cover this in the recording, sometimes the backup session is required to finish the process you have started.


Why Do People find it so hard to Quit Cigarettes?


Research shows that 68% of smokers have tried to quit without success. Everyone knows cigarettes are not good for them. Everyone knows they are outrageously expensive.

So, why do people continue to smoke?

And why is it so hard for so many people to quit cigarettes?

So many smokers want to quit but they either don’t, or they can’t.


Why is that?


We are all different but our reasons are often similar: 

It is too difficult to find the willpower. 

The withdrawals are too uncomfortable to go through. 

Life is too stressful and cigarettes help relieve the stress. 

Worried about having cravings. 

Worried about gaining weight. 

Get short tempered and feel cranky. 

Can’t break the addiction.

The fact is simply that - smoking is not under our conscious control.

Consciously we tell ourselves that we are not going to smoke anymore, but those subconscious patterns, triggers, and habits just kick in and we have no control over them.


If you really ask yourself, “How many cigarettes a day do I actually enjoy?” your answer is probably, “Very few… Perhaps none.”

You smoke the majority of your cigarettes almost subconsciously. It just happens. And when you really think about it, you don’t even enjoy most of them.

Smoking is something your subconscious mind simply does automatically. It is a habit triggered by your unconscious patterns.


The only way to quit is to change that habit and alter those patterns.

You can do that by using all your willpower and going ‘cold turkey’ or you can do it the easy way with hypnosis. The only way to quit cigarettes long term is to deal with your own individual reason, patterns and triggers.


Most People Have Tried To Quit Cigarettes Many Times


So what happened? 

It was too hard to deal with the withdrawal symptoms 

Couldn’t handle the cravings.

Stopped smoking and started gaining weight 

Thought one wouldn’t hurt – but it did. 

Had a stressful situation. 

Had a social situation & a few drinks! 

Or some other reason?


This process eliminates the withdrawals that people generally attribute to nicotine and addresses all the common reasons / excuses.


  • No cravings.

  • No withdrawals.

  • Learning new ways to deal with old stresses.

  • And many people actually lose weight and ‘springboard’ themselves into a healthier, happier lifestyle once they use this solution to quit cigarettes.

You will love the feeling of being a non-smoker and you will be amazed at how easily achievable it is using our advanced hypnosis techniques.


Experience all the advantages of quitting NOW. 

Better Health. 

More energy

Improved fitness and vitality 

More money to spend on better things. 

A wonderful sense of achievement.

Improved sense of smell and taste.

Peace of mind


What Do I Do Now?


Simply click on the BUY NOW button below,

Make a payment

Download the mp3 recording

Put it on the device which is most convenient for you to listen.

And become a non-smoker.



What will being hypnotised feel like?

Well, this is a hard question to answer, because it really is different for different people.

One thing it doesn't feel like - is being unconscious. In fact, when you are undergoing hypnosis, I think it's best if you feel hyper-conscious; or maybe a better way of saying it is that you might feel hyper-focused. 

This is because when you are conscious, you subconsciously filter and analyse everything you see, hear, smell, and feel. When you're in hypnosis, your conscious mind rests, and becomes a silent observer.
Then, it's the hypnotherapist's job to keep your subconscious mind engaged and imagining life without cigarettes. If you can picture what your hypnotherapist is saying, as if you were there, imagining it in the first person - that's exactly where you need to be -
so stop wondering if you're doing it right, and just go with it.


Luke O'Dwyer

Switch-Up Hypnotherapy